The Following Anime seriesJaku Chara Tomozaki kun Episode 12 English Subbed has been released in high-quality video. Watch Jaku-Chara Tomozaki kun Ep 12 Eng Sub
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Trailblazer, you are a warrior! At times, are you underestimated? There were so many sacrifices you made, and afterward, you felt like pure shit. The resentment pulled and spread like mold, and the mold’s side effects made you sick and disgusted from loving so hard and losing so much. The ripple effects crossed each other as they manipulated your mind to think negative thoughts. However, the ripple effects also opened your heart to feel and know how to love yourself. As you started your journey of self-fulfillment, all the hell you’ve been through changed you from a fallen warrior into a fearless powerful force with fabulous potential!
What? Which girls? + elaborate