Created in the magical hands of Shinji Nojima, Wonder Egg Priority is an anime that will take you to the fantasy land of psychological horror. Well, it sounds a little oxymoronic. Fantasy and Psychological horror fit well as opposites and are rarely complimentary to each other. However, if you have had a glimpse inside the egg world, you will think differently. So, if you are yet to watch Wonder Egg Priority episode 6, or if you have watched some of its episodes and somehow missed the sixth episode, then this article can help you.
Nippon TV aired the TV show for the first time, and it ran for a short period from January to March 2021. Owing to the craze of the show, June 2021 also shows the premiering of a special show.
Wonder Egg Priority episode 6
After the gachapon machine dispensed a Wonder egg, the world of Ai Ohto changed considerably. She was skipping school owing to the untimely demise of her close friend and associate, Koito Nagase. However, once she started to save the girls from the wonder eggs, she got to realize that the chances of reuniting with her lost friend also increased substantially,
Episode six, called Punch Drunk Day or Panchi Doranku De, first aired on February 17, 2021. Directed by Yusuke Yamamoto, this episode marks the arrival of a brand new enemy named Haters. They are now confronting the four girls of the series. Acca and Ura-Acca had sent animal companions called Pomanders to their aid. In this episode, Ai must protect Yae Yoshida, a schizophrenic patient. With the help of rosary beads, the invisible killer had to reveal itself. After that, it vanishes. However, this episode has a happy ending because Ai decides to re-join school.
If you want to know what happens in the upcoming episodes, check out the summaries given by kissanime.